Saturday, February 20, 2016

I'm back !

Long time no see :D , i know it's been ages since i last published a post but i've been kinda busy in the last couple of months,and that's because i gave birth to a lovely baby boy last December, and i've been busy with my little babe, trying to figure out how to be a mother LOL! it turned out not being so easy, but i LOVE it , even though the last weeks have been hard but the experience is definitely priceless , and i have been enjoying my bundle of love, and it's a kind of love i have not experienced before, it's a whole new world, i know i'm being cheesy right now but i can's describe the sensation and the amount of love that filled my heart <3 i get teary when i see him smile (when he's asleep :P) and my world revolves around him <3 ok i need to stop :P.
so i gave birth at 37 weeks , i did not get any contractions or anything, i was going for a normal doctor appointment , we did the regular things and i told her i was feeling a little tiny period cramps and she told me it was normal , and then she said we will check if you're dilated or not when your a 37 weeks
me : i'm 37 weeks!
Doctor :ok i'll check,.
and then she stared at me and said :you're 5 cm dilated!
 me: what?!
Doctor : you're having a baby tonight
me: but i don't feel anything !
Doctor :and that's fantastic for a first time pregnant , you can go home and get your bags and get ready.
i was freaking out of course, my husband was waiting for me outside , when i came he asked me casually how's everything and he started walking to the car, i said wait we're having a baby! right now! and then we both freaked out lol!
so i went home changed my clothes, performed Maghreb prayer ,grabbed my bags and got ready.
at the time i was relatively calm , i was encouraged, i told myself just more 5 cm and it's done i don't feel any extreme pains, so my spirits were high and i was excited too, when i went back they broke my water, it wasn't painful or anything and then as the time went by it started to get painful! i could handle it till i was 9 cm ,it was extremely painful, and then i was on the labor ward!
so i give birth at 9 pm, it took two hours after having my water broken,and my baby was 3.6 kg and was safe and sound, and the moment i saw him i forgot every pain i felt , it was the most beautiful moment for me and my husband , i still remember it, we looked at each other in awe ! it was surreal!
my baby now is 2 months and two weeks, things are getting smoother now, the first days were the hardest, the stitches(i had an episiotomy),breastfeeding(he did not latch on right away), and jaundice (he was at hospital for 3 days because it was really high),but everything got better and it definitely worth it and i'm so thankful for Allah for he blessed me with a healthy beautiful baby, i can't ask for more.
so it's a long babble but i enjoyed every minute of it,hope you do as well!